Olivia Newton John

Donīt stop believing

Olivia Newton John

ukulele Easy easy

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Donīt stop believing

  G   D/F#      Em           G/D        Cmaj7 
  You think the world should see things your way. 
  C/D               G              A/C#              Cmaj7 
  Love, I know you. You think good fortune's here to stay 
  C/D              B        Em   G/D       Cmaj7   F# 
  Love, I know you shine in ev'rything you tried before, 
       Bm        F#/A#    G 
  Your smile can open any door. 
  G/A          D         A/D             G 
  But on those days when nobody wants to know you, 
  G/A          D           A/D              G 
  And all your smiles keep falling on stony ground. 
        Em7    A7 
  Don't stop believin', 
        Em7    A7 
  Don't stop believin', 
        Em7    A7                   D7    C/D D7 
  Don't stop believin',  you'll get by. 
  G         A             D/A A D    A/D  Am7  D  Em  B  C  C/D 
  Bad days, bad days will hurry by. 
  You never chase your dreams, they find you. 
  Love I know you. If you need love, it finds you too. 
  Love although you sail alone and free, I'll follow in your wake, 
  And pray one day my heart you'll take. 
  G/A          D         A/D             G 
  But on those days when nobody wants to know you, 
  G/A          D           A/D              G 
  And all your smiles keep falling on stony ground. 
        Em7    Am7                  D7    C/D D7 
  Don't stop believin',  you'll get by. 
  G         A             D/A A D    A/D 
  Bad days, bad days will hurry by. 
Chorus Repeats Out 
Contribuiįão: Marcio mega([email protected]) 
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