Paul McCartney

Cafe on the left bank

Paul McCartney

ukulele Expert expert


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Cafe on the left bank

Written by Paul Mccartney

Dm  C  Gm  C 
Dm  Gm  Dm  Gm  Dm  Gm  Dm  Gm 
Dm                                 Gm     C   Gm              
Cafe On The Left Bank, Ordinary Wine  
Dm                         A7                    D 
Touching All The Girls With Your Eyes  
Dm                                      Gm        C  Gm 
Tiny Crowd Of Frenchmen Round A Tv Shop  
Dm                                  A7                       D 
Watching Charles De Gaulle Make A Speech  
Gm                                      Dm 
Dancing After Midnight, Sprawling To The Car  
Gm                                         D       A7 
Continental Breakfast In The Bar  
Dm                                    Gm               C   Gm 
English-Speaking People Drinking German Beer  
Dm                      A7                     D 
Talking Far Too Loud For Their Ears  
Gm  Dm  Gm  Gm  D  A7 
Dm                                Gm     C   Gm 
Cafe On The Left Bank, Ordinary Wine  
Dm                         A7                     D 
Touching All The Girls With Your Eyes  
Gm                                   Dm 
Dancing After Midnight, Crawling To The Car  
Gm                                                D        A7 
Cocktail Waitress Waiting In The Bar  
Dm                                   Gm              C   Gm 
English-Speaking People Drinking German Beer  
Dm                        A7                     D 
Talking Way Too Loud For Their Ears  
Dm  C  Gm  C 
Dm  Gm      (repeat endlessly) 

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