Paul Weller

My Best Friend's Coat

Paul Weller

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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My Best Friend's Coat

Written by Paul Weller

	  		Intro C#m  A  G#m  C#m 
      C#m  A  G#m  C#m 

Verse 1:

C#m A G#m In the depths of despair I took another drink C#m F#m B7 E It soothed my mind and helped me to think A G#7 Of all the places I've never been

Verse 2:

C#m A G#m Down by the river in soulless penury C#m F#m B7 E Even the sky wouldn't look at me


I had no point A G#7 It had no reason
A E Into pockets I go A E Of my best friend's coat G#7 Looking for what C#m A G#m C#m A G#m C#m I don't know

Verse 3:

C#m A G#m In the depths of despair I had another line C#m F#m B7 E Nothing easy, Nothing fine A G#7 Rounds of circles all out of time
A E Spinning plates unresolved A E In my best friend's coat G#7 Bringing bad things I know
Solo C#m D B A E A E

Verse 4:

A E So, I looked to the days A E When I wasn't afraid G#7 And I dreamed I was there C#m Once again
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