Pour Me Out


ukulele Beginner beginner

by  2U4UBYU

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Pour Me Out

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Letters in ( )'s indicate individual notes not chords Intro ---------------------15---15-15-15-15-15------------------------------------ ---------------------19b--19-19-19-19-19------------------------------------ ---------------------------hold-bend---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --0----0--0----0------------------------------------------------------------
Em G Em G A Em G (b) (c) Pour Me out, till there's nothing left of me. Pour me out. Em G Em G A Em G Em G (b) (c) Pour me out, So that one day I might see. Pour me out. D A C A Em I want to lose myself and find it in you, Ebracing grace and facing truth. D A C A Tear down these walls that dim the shape I'm in. Em G Em G A Em G Em G A D Pour me out, from my river to your sea, Pour me out Em G Em G A Em G Em G (b) (c) Pour me out, Let me ride on waves of peace, pour me out. D A C A Em I want to understand this greater plan, How character can shape a man. D A C A Your image surrounding me, pray that will be Intro: x4 Jam: (played on low E string) ----5--7--5--3 Verse 1: Intro x4
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Outro 8 times(with variations of leaving last two notes in and out) then ==================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----7--0------5---(5)-------------5---5---5----5---3------------------- ----------6-7----7--(7)--------------7---7---7----3---1-----------------
by PFR ********* You found it at E-Chords Submitted By: David Campbell Ontario Canada
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