Phil Ochs

Automation Song

Phil Ochs

ukulele Easy easy


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Automation Song


     G    B7        Em   Am7   D7            G 
Oh I laid down your railroads, every mile of track. 
                 B7    Em  Am7     D7            G     
With the muscles on my arm and the sweat upon my back. 
G7  C                  G             C             G 
And now the trains are rolling, they roll to every shore 
    C               G                     A7               D 
You tell me that my job is through, there ain't no work no more. 
         G    B7        Em Am7   D7           G 
Though I laid down your highways all across the land. 
                 B7     Em    Am7     D7          G 
With the ringing of the steel and the power of my hands. 
G7  C       G                    C              G 
And now the roads are there like ribbons in the sky, 
    C               G                  A7             D 
You tell me that my job is through but still I wonder why. 

        Em                     Bm 
For the wages were low and the hours were long 
        Em                     D7 
And the labour was all I could bear. 
           Em                      Bm 
Now you've got new machines for to take my place 
        Am7                      D7 
And you tell me it's not mine to share. 
         G    B7        Em  Am7       D7             G 
Though I laid down your factories and laid down your fields, 
             B7     Em     Am7    D7           G 
With my feet on the ground and my back to your wheels. 
G7  C                G           C              G 
And now the smoke is rising, the steel is all a-glow, 
    C              G                D7            G 
I'm walking down a jobless road and where am I to go. 


Em      Am       D7    G 
Tell me, where am I to go. 


Chords supplied by James Barnett 
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