Phil Wickham

Heaven Fall Down

Phil Wickham

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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Heaven Fall Down

Written by Peter Kipley/Phillip LaRue/Phil Wickham

Verse 1: 

Open our eyes lord let us see all that you are, 
All that you mean~ 
Open our ears lord let us hear, all that you are,  
Be loud and clear~ 
Please be near 

Pre chorus:
As our praises rise,  
           A2      Bsus4 
May your presence fall! 

E C#m Heaven, Heaven fall down! E C#m Spirit, Spirit pour out! A2 E On us all now, Heaven fall down
Verse 2: Come Jesus Come, come like the wind, fill up this place we welcome you in. come Jesus come come like the rain, open the sky show us your face. oh lord we wait... Pre chorus: F#m As our praises rise, A2 Bsus4 May your presence fall!
E C#m Heaven, Heaven fall down! E C#m Spirit, Spirit pour out! A2 E On us all now, Heaven fall down!
Interlude: E C#m E C#m Bsus4 A2 Bridge: A2 We're crying out in desperation, C#m Waiting now in Expectation, F#m Crying out in desperation, B For you!
E C#m Heaven, Heaven fall down! E C#m Spirit, Spirit pour out! A2 E On us all now, Heaven fall down!
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