
Bridge Of Light


ukulele Beginner beginner


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Bridge Of Light

when you think 
hope is lost 
and giving up 
is all you got, 
blue turns black, 
Bb                F 
your confidence is cracked, 
Eb                     Bb        F 
there seems no turning back from here 

Dm                       Bb            F       C/F 
sometimes there isn't an obvious explanation 
          Dm                          Bb              F      C/F 
while the holiest stars can feel the strongest palpitations 

F                   Bb                C 
that's when love can build a bridge of light, 
            Dm                  Bb 
that's what turns the wrong so right 
                Gm                 C 
that's when you can't give up the fight 

F                      Bb             C 
that's when love turns nighttime into day, 
             Dm              Bb 
that's when loneliness goes away, 
               Gm                  C 
that's when you gotta be strong tonight, 
Bb              C                   F 
only love can build us a bridge of light 

on your feet,  
i made a storm 
you're convinced  
that you're all alone 
look at the stars,  
Bb                    F 
it's straight up the dark 
Eb                     Bb              C 
you'll find your heart shines like the sun 

Dm                  Bb             F   C/F 
let's not let their anger get us lost 
        Dm                Bb                    F    C/F 
and the need to be right costs us way too high costs 

F                   Bb                C 
that's when love can build a bridge of light, 
            Dm                  Bb 
that's what turns the wrong so right 
                Gm                 C 
that's when you can't give up the fight 

F                      Bb             C 
that's when love turns nighttime into day, 
             Dm              Bb 
that's when loneliness goes away, 
               Gm                  C 
that's when you gotta be strong tonight, 
Bb              C                   F 
only love can build us a bridge of light 

deep breath,  
take it on the chin 
but don't forget  
to let the love back in 

G                   C                D 
that's when love can build a bridge of light, 
            Em                  C 
that's what turns the wrong so right 
                Am                 D 
that's when you can't give up the fight 

G                      C             D 
that's when love turns nighttime into day, 
             Em              C 
that's when loneliness goes away, 
               Am                  D 
that's when you gotta be strong tonight, 
C              D                   Em 
only love can build us a bridge of light 

C              D                     G 
only love can build us a bridge of light. 
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