Public Domain

Twelve days of Christmas

Public Domain

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Twelve days of Christmas

	  		 On the Dfirst day of Christmas my Atrue love gave to Dme, 
A DpartGridge Din a Apear Dtree. 
On the Dsecond day of Christmas my Atrue love gave to Dme, 
DTwo turtle doves, 
And a DpartGridge Din a Apear Dtree. 
On the Dthird day of Christmas my Atrue love gave to Dme, 
DThree French hens, two turtle doves, 
And a DpartGridge Din a Apear Dtree. 
On the Dfourth day of Christmas my Atrue love gave to Dme, 
DFour calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, 
And a DpartGridge Din a Apear Dtree. 
On the Dfifth day of Christmas my Atrue love gave to Dme, 
DFive Egolden <A-tacet>rings. 
DFour calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, 
And a DpartGridge Din a Apear Dtree. 
On the Dsixth day of Christmas my Atrue love gave to Dme, 
DSix geese-a-laying, 
DFive Egolden <A-tacet>rings. 
Four calling Dbirds, three GFrench hens, Atwo turtle Ddoves, 
And a DpartGridge Din a Apear Dtree. 
On the Dseventh day of Christmas my Atrue love gave to Dme, 
DSeven swans-a-swimming, six geese-a-laying, 
DFive Egolden <A-tacet>rings. 
Four calling Dbirds, three GFrench hens, Atwo turtle Ddoves, 
And a DpartGridge Din a Apear Dtree. 
On the Deighth day of Christmas my Atrue love gave to Dme, 
DEight maids-a-milking, seven swans-a-swimming, six geese-a-laying, 
DFive Egolden <A-tacet>rings. 
Four calling Dbirds, three GFrench hens, Atwo turtle Ddoves, 
And a DpartGridge Din a Apear Dtree. 
On the Dninth day of Christmas my Atrue love gave to Dme, 
DNine ladies dancing, eight maids-a-milking, seven swans-a-swimming, 
Six geese-a-laying, 
DFive Egolden <A-tacet>rings. 
Four calling Dbirds, three GFrench hens, Atwo turtle Ddoves, 
And a DpartGridge Din a Apear Dtree. 
On the Dtenth day of Christmas my Atrue love gave to Dme, 
DTen lords-a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids-a-milking, 
Seven swans-a-swimming, six geese-a-laying, 
DFive Egolden <A-tacet>rings. 
Four calling Dbirds, three GFrench hens, Atwo turtle Ddoves, 
And a DpartGridge Din a Apear Dtree. 
On the eDleventh day of Christmas my Atrue love gave to Dme, 
EDleven pipers piping, ten lords-a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, 
Eight maids-a-milking, seven swans-a-swimming, six geese-a-laying, 
DFive Egolden <A-tacet>rings. 
Four calling Dbirds, three GFrench hens, Atwo turtle Ddoves, 
And a DpartGridge Din a Apear Dtree. 
On the Dtwelvth day of Christmas my Atrue love gave to Dme, 
DTwelve drummers drumming, eleven pipers piping, ten lords-a-leaping, 
Nine ladies dancing, eight maids-a-milking, seven swans-a-swimming, 
Six geese-a-laying, 
DFive Egolden <A-tacet>rings. 
Four calling Dbirds, three GFrench hens, Atwo turtle Ddoves, 
And a DpartGridge Din a Apear Dtree. 
© Public Domain 

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