Ray Wylie Hubbard

Stone Blind Horses

Ray Wylie Hubbard

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Stone Blind Horses

Written by Ray Wylie Hubbard

      Bm       D     A                  E      F#m 
There are some saints that have been forgotten 
     A                  D       Bm 
Like most of my drunken prayers 
                   D            A                   E      F#m 
They say there's a heaven. It's somewhere above the yonder 
              A                  D    Bm 
Where there's no more crosses to bear 

            D     A              E        F#m 
And there's ghosts all along the highways 
            A                 D    Bm 
And there's storms out on the sea 
        D       A                 E      F#m 
My only hope is somewhere in that heaven 
               A          D   A 
Someone says a prayer for me 

          E                  D      A 
I've been ridin' stone blind horses 
           E           D     A 
Never seen a reason to believe 
          E        F#m                D 
Hey sweet Genevieve  say a prayer for me 
                   A            E 
And the wild young cowboys; old drunks; 
The paramours and thieves 

harmonica solo 

    Bm           D      A                E         F#m 
The high slurred whistle of a red-winged blackbird 
                 A                       D   Bm 
Sounds like he's singin' oh that I might die 
         D        A              E      F#m 
It's his song for those who have fallen 
                     A           D   A 
Unrepentant and with no more alibis 

          E                  D      A 
I've been ridin' stone blind horses 
           E           D     A 
Never seen a reason to believe 
          E        F#m                D 
Hey sweet Genevieve  say a prayer for me 
                   A            E 
And the wild young cowboys; old drunks; 
The paramours and thieves 

          E        F#m                D 
Hey sweet Genevieve  say a prayer for me 
                   A            E 
And the wild young cowboys; old drunks; 
  D                     A 
The paramours and thieves  
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