Come Back To Me


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Come Back To Me

Written by San Yawn / JNKYRD (정크야드) / Kuo Hung Tseng (曾國宏) / Oh Hyuk (오혁) / RM

	  		    Bm         Em        Am 
I told you, I'm fine tonight 
Staying good 
     Bm            Em 
Spring always been here 
    Am             D 
I will sleep in her eyes 

    Bm       Em 
Come back to me 
  Am          D 
Like you used to do 
  Bm        Em 
Be what you be 
    Am           D 
I will roll you to Moon 

    Bm        Em 
I forgot the hour 
     Am               D 
I don't wanna know bout the hour 
    Bm        Em 
I forgot to shower 
  Am        D 
세수할 시간도 아까워

    Bm           Em 
You don't have to be 
              Am                    D 
You don't have to be the anything you see 
   Bm      Em 
Tryin' not to be 
        Am                     D 
Tryin' not to be that something in this sea 

  Bm      Em 
Come back to me 
   Am      D 
Like you used to 
   Bm      Em 
Now I could see 
  Am         D 
What a life is about 

      Bm       Em        Am 
I told you, I'm fine tonight 
Staying good 
     Bm           Em 
Spring always been here 
     Am            D 
I will sleep in her eyes 

    Bm  Em  Am  D 
   Bm    Em    Am     D 
I see you come back to me 
   Bm  Em  Am   D 
  Bm   Em     Am     D 
I see you come back to me 

          Bm       Em      Am   D 
You are my pain, divine, divine 
          Bm        Em      Am 
You are my pain, divine, divine 
Get, get, get to the 
   Bm     Em    Am    D 
Divine, divine, so fine 
            Bm         Em  Am  D 
I see you come back to me 

    Bm        Em 
I forgot the hour 
        Am             D 
I don't wanna know bout the hour 
   Bm       Em 
I forgot to shower 
  Am      D 
세수할 시간도 아까워

    Bm         Em 
You don't have to be 
                 Am                  D 
You don't have to be the anything you see 
    Bm       Em 
Tryin' not to be 
                Am                    D 
Tryin' not to be that something in this sea 

     Bm      Em        Am 
I told you I'm fine tonight 
Staying good 
      Bm       Em 
Spring always been here 
     Am           D 
I will sleep in her eyes 

     Bm  Em  Am  D 
     Bm   Em   Am   D 
I see you come back to me 
     Bm  Em  Am  D 
     Bm   Em   Am   D 
I see you come back to me 

           Bm      Em     Am   D 
You are my pain, divine, divine 
           Bm      Em    Am 
You are my pain, divine, divine 
Get, get, get to the 
   Bm    Em     Am   D 
Divine, divine, so fine 
            Bm      Em    Am  D 
I see you come back to me 

            Bm     Em        Am  D 
You are my pain, divine, divine 
            Bm     Em        Am  D 
You are my pain, divine, divine 
            Bm     Em        Am  D 
You are my pain, divine, divine 
            Bm     Em        Am  D 
You are my pain, divine, divine 

            Bm      Em       Am  D 
You are my pain, divine, divine 
            Bm      Em       Am  D 
You are my pain, divine, divine 
            Bm      Em       Am  D 
You are my pain, divine, divine 
            Bm      Em       Am  D 
You are my pain, divine, divine 
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