Rosa Walton

I Really Want To Stay At Your House (feat. Hallie Coggins)

Rosa Walton

ukulele Advanced advanced


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I Really Want To Stay At Your House (feat. Hallie Coggins)

Written by Rosa Walton


Verse 1:

B F# D#m F# I couldn't wait for you to come clear the cupboards B C# D#m B But now you're gone and leaving nothing but a sign F# D#m F# B Another evening I'll be sitting reading in-between your lines C# D#m Bm Because I missed you all the time


B So, get away C# D#m Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know B And let yourself go D#m C# You know you didn't lose your self-control F# B Let's start at the right blow Turn away C# D#m F# Another way to be where you didn't want yourself to go-ooo G#m Let yourself go A#m F#m B Is that a comp-ro-mi- se
F# So what do you wanna do, what's your point-of-view D#m C# There's that part screaming, do you wanna get hurt? B F# I was chained with you, what's your point-of-view? D#m C# Noone told me you would wanna get B F# 'Cause I really wanted stay at your house D#m And I hope this works out C# B But you know how much you broke me apart F# D#m I'm done with you, I'm igno-ring you C# G# C# D#m I don't wanna know

Verse 2:

B C# D#m B And I'm aware that you were lying in the gutter C# D#m B 'Cause I did everything to be there by your side C# D#m F# G#m So when you tell me I'm the reason I just can't believe the li-es A#m B Than why did I so want to call you, call you


B So, get away C# D#m Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know B And let yourself go D#m C# You know you didn't lose your self-control F# B Let's start at the right blow Turn away C# D#m F# Another way to be where you didn't want yourself to go-ooo G#m Let yourself go A#m F#m B Is that a comp-ro-mi- se
F# So what do you wanna do, what's your point-of-view D#m C# There's that part screaming, do you wanna get hurt? B F# I was chained with you, what's your point-of-view? D#m C# Noone told me you would wanna get B F# 'Cause I really wanted stay at your house D#m And I hope this works out C# B But you know how much you broke me apart F# D#m I'm done with you, I'm igno-ring you C# G# C# D#m I don't wanna know


You Oh, oh, oh I don't know why I'm no-one


B So, get away C# D#m Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know B And let yourself go D#m C# You know you didn't lose your self-control F# B Let's start at the right blow Turn away C# D#m F# Another way to be where you didn't want yourself to go-ooo G#m Let yourself go A#m F#m B Is that a comp-ro-mi- se
F# So what do you wanna do, what's your point-of-view D#m C# There's that part screaming, do you wanna get hurt? B F# I was chained with you, what's your point-of-view? D#m C# Noone told me you would wanna get B F# 'Cause I really wanted stay at your house D#m And I hope this works out C# B But you know how much you broke me apart F# D#m I'm done with you, I'm igno-ring you C# G# C# D#m I don't wanna know
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