Sabrina Carpenter

Your Loves Like

Sabrina Carpenter

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Your Loves Like

Written by Matthew Tishler

	  		F, C, G, Am 
Whoa whoa 

Life gets bitter I get 
Strung out 
Caught in the middle and I 
Can't breathe 
I just need a little taste of 
C   G 

I know 
A place I can escape to 
Where I go 
Troubles never break through 
Grass is greener 
My head is clearer 
        C          G 
I got peace of mind 
         Am                     G 
When I fall in to your eyesâ?¦ 

F, C, G, Am 
Your love's like 
Breathing in the salty air of summer 
On a private island just for me 
Your love's like 
The feeling I get when my favourite song's 
Spinning in my head keep it play-playing on repeat 
It's like flowers in the springtime 
Every day is Valentines 
So good it's hard to describe 
It's like Paris after midnight 
Dancing in the moonlight 
That's what your love 
That's what your love's like 

Whoa whoa 
That's what your love 
That's what your love's like x2 

Stop signs 
I keep running in to 
Red lights 
Make me wanna scream like 
'Why can't it just be 
Only you and me 
C         G 
All the timeâ? 
        Am                      G 
In a world no-one can findâ?¦ 

F, C, G, Am 
Your love's like 
Breathing in the salty air of summer 
On a private island just for me 
Your love's like 
The feeling I get when my favourite song's 
Spinning in my head keep it play-playing on repeat 
It's like flowers in the springtime 
Every day is Valentines 
So good it's hard to describe 
It's like Paris after midnight 
Dancing in the moonlight 
That's what your love 
That's what your love's like 

When life has left me numb 
And I need a pick-me-up 
There's no better rush 
          F                     G 
Than your love, your love, your loveâ?¦ 

F, C, G, Am 
Your love's like 
Breathing in the salty air of summer 
On a private island just for me 
Your love's like 
The feeling I get when my favourite song's 
Spinning in my head keep it play-playing on repeat 
It's like walking on the ceiling 
Can't compare the feeling 
Better than I could describe 
It's like soaking in the sunlight 
Not a worry on my mind 
That's what your love, 
That's what your love's likeWhoa whoa 
That's what your love 
That's what your love's like x4 
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