
Give Me Shakespeare


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Give Me Shakespeare

Written by Georg Kajanus

Intro: G Em G D 

verse 1  

I really love you for your mind, 
and I know that we're two of a kind. 
I don't go straight for that physical bit, 
it always turns out a one-way trip. 
But won't you come up to my room, 
so we can discuss, say, Egyptian tombs, 
or maybe just do a few little steps 
D                                 D7             
from one of our favourite Bolshoi ballets. 

D7 G D Oh, give me Shakespeare instead of long French kisses, D G C D give me Mozart instead of holding me tight, D G F D give me Tolstoy instead of girl-talk drivel, G D like 'Baby, it's alright'. D G D Give me Shakespeare instead of moonlight flirting, D G C D give me Schubert instead of Hollywood tears, D G F D give me Bolshoi instead of all-night hustle, D C D G give me Henry Moore, Salvador Dali, and an evening at the opera!
D G D verse 2 G I really love you as you are, Em and without make-up I think that you'll go far, G your clothes hide your figure beautifully, D it makes a lovely change, I mean that sincerely. Em I've got so much respect for you, A and I know that you've got respect for me, too, D so let's go and relax on my bed, D D7 so we can confirm all that we've said.
D7 G D Oh, give me Shakespeare instead of long French kisses, D G C D give me Mozart instead of holding me tight, D G F D give me Tolstoy instead of girl-talk drivel, G D like 'Baby, it's alright'. D G D Give me Shakespeare instead of moonlight flirting, D G C D give me Schubert instead of Hollywood tears, D G F D give me Bolshoi instead of all-night hustle, D C D G D give me Henry Moore, Salvador Dali, and an evening at the opera!
Bridge A Writing and painting, poetry and neurology, D those are just some of my favourite things. Em Gershwin and Schumann, Newton and Rasputin, A D those are just some of my favourite people.
D7 G D Oh, give me Shakespeare instead of long French kisses, D G C D give me Mozart instead of holding me tight, D G F D give me Tolstoy instead of girl-talk drivel, G D like 'Baby, it's alright'. D G D Give me Shakespeare instead of moonlight flirting, D G C D give me Schubert instead of Hollywood tears, D G F D give me Bolshoi instead of all-night hustle, D C D G D give me Henry Moore, Salvador Dali, and an evening at the opera ! D C D Give me Henry Moore, Salvador Dali, D G F D give give give Shakespeare, o.....oh ! D G F D Give me Shakespeare, o.....oh ! D G F D Give me Shakespeare, o.....oh ! D C D G Give me Henry Moore, Salvador Dali and an evening at the opera!
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