Salt Tree

Coming Home To You

Salt Tree

ukulele Easy easy


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Coming Home To You

Capo on 2nd fret

Em   C   G   G/B 

Em   C   G   D 

Verse 1:

Em C G D Now I'm going down that highway Em C G D Traveling down that highway, baby Em C G D Then I see the look in your eyes and now Em C G When I walk you through the dark


Am G I got my arms around you, baby C G G/B Em C I’ve been away lately G Now I'm home
Em C G Well I'm coming home to you, girl Em C G D Well I'm coming home to you Em C G G/B Well I'm coming home to you, girl Em C G Well I'm coming home to you

Verse 2:

Em C G Now we're going down that highway Em C G D and I see you looking at me sideways Em C G I got your touch in the palm of my hand D Em Driving down the coast as fast as we can C G You're my girl


Am G Got my arms around you baby, C G Em C Been missing you for ages G Now I'm home
Em C G Well I'm coming home to you, girl Em C G D Well I'm coming home to you Em C G G/B Well I'm coming home to you, girl Em C G Well I'm coming home to you Solo Em C G D Em C G D Em C G D Em C G


Em Now I'm swimming through the changes C G Acting a little crazy Em C G We're fools for love
Em C G Well I'm coming home to you, girl Em C G D Well I'm coming home to you Em C G G/B Well I'm coming home to you, girl Em C G Well I'm coming home to you
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