Sam Palladio

When The Right One Comes Along

Sam Palladio

ukulele Easy easy


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When The Right One Comes Along

Capo on 2nd fret

Intro: G D Bm G Em7 A D 

G              D  Bm        G 
There's no music, no confetti 
G              D                 A   Asus4   A 
Crowds don't cheer, and bells don't ring 
G              D    Bm      A     Em7    D 
but you'll know it, I can guarantee 
G              A             D 
when the right one comes along 

G              D       Bm        G 
What they're thinkin', what you're feelin, 
G              D                 A   Asus4   A 
You no longer have to guess 
G              D    Bm      A     Em7    D 
All those questions are finally put to rest 
G              A             D 
When the right one comes along 

G               D        G                      D        A 
Every single broken heart will lead you to the truth 
Bm                              A       
you think you know what you're lookin for 
G                                  A    Asus4   A 
til what you're lookin for finds you 

G              D  Bm        G 
In a cold world, it's a warm place 
G              D                 A   Asus4   A 
where you know you're supposed to be 
G              D    Bm      A     Em7    D 
A million moments full of sweet relief 
G              A             D 
when the right one comes along 

G               D        G                      D        A 
Every single broken heart will lead you to the truth 
Bm                              A    
you think you know what you're lookin' for 
G                                  A    Asus4   A 
til what you're lookin' for finds you 

G              D  Bm        G 
It's so easy, nothin' to it 
G           D                 A   Asus4   A 
though you may not believe me now 
G           D      Bm      A     Em7    D 
But I promise that you'll find out 
G              A             D 
When the right one comes along 

G              D    Bm      A     Em7  
All that changes is only everything 
G              A             D 
when the right one comes along  

G D Bm G Em7 A D 
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