


ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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Key:  B More
Excuses Key F#F#
Excuses Key GG
Excuses Key G#G#
Excuses Key AA(one step down)
Excuses Key A#A#(half step down)
Excuses Key BB(original key)
Excuses Key CC(half step up)
Excuses Key C#C#(one step up)
Excuses Key DD
Excuses Key D#D#
Excuses Key EE
Excuses Key FF
Chords are the same through intro, verse 1, and all Choruses. 
These chords are played as follows: 

  Bmaj7        C#6 
e|--6--|       e|--6--| 
B|--7--|       B|--6--| 
G|--8--|       G|--6--| 
D|-----|       D|-----| 
A|-----|       A|--4--| 
E|--7--|       E|-----| 

The chords in the second verse change and are played lower down like so: 
  Bmaj7           C#             C#7           Cmaj7          A#m7           D#7(#9)         F#maj7 
e|-----|       e|-----|       e|-----|       e|-----|       e|-----|       e|-----|       e|-----| 
B|--4--|       B|--6--|       B|--6--|       B|--5--|       B|--6--|       B|--7--|       B|--2--| 
G|--3--|       G|--6--|       G|--4--|       G|--4--|       G|--6--|       G|--6--|       G|--3--| 
D|--4--|       D|--6--|       D|--6--|       D|--5--|       D|--6--|       D|--5--|       D|--3--| 
A|--2--|       A|--4--|       A|--4--|       A|--3--|       A|-----|       A|--6--|       A|-----| 
E|-----|       E|-----|       E|-----|       E|-----|       E|--6--|       E|-----|       E|--2--| 

Then the rest of the song goes back to the original two chords. 

Bmaj7 C#6 
Bmaj7 C#6 

Verse 1:

Bmaj7 C#6 Another fine rose eve and a bottle of Clicquot Bmaj7 C#6 So I call you around 3 and I pick you up alone Bmaj7 C#6 And we're talking 'bout things we really want to be Bmaj7 C#6 Said I need a little time but I'm glad you're here with me
Bmaj7 But that was not the first thing you said C#6 And it will not be the last Bmaj7 Can I just remind you that I C#6 Never really asked Bmaj7 C#6 Oooh oooh Bmaj7 C#6 Oooh oooh

Verse 2:

Bmaj7 C# Summer's almost here it gets hotter everyday C#7 Cmaj7 And I still can't find the words to say Bmaj7 A#m7 My affliction is the fear of leaving you alone D#7(#9) I think I have the chance Bmaj7 F#maj7 C#7 Cmaj7 But now we're talking about things you really want to be Bmaj7 F#maj7 C#7 So I'm taking my time and I'm glad you're here with me
Bmaj7 But that was not the first thing you said C#6 And it will not be the last Bmaj7 Can I just remind you that I C#6 Never really asked Bmaj7 No that was not the first thing you said C#6 And it will not be the last Bmaj7 Can I just remind you that I C#6 Never really asked Bmaj7 C#6 Oooh oooh Bmaj7 C#6 Oooh oooh
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