
Starlight (acoustic)


ukulele Advanced advanced


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Starlight (acoustic)

In the distance 
Light years from tomorrow 
But far beyond yesterday 
She is watching 
Heart aching with sorrow 
        E                       E 
She is broken, as she waits 
                 D            A              E 
      D                     E 
Hoping that when all is said and done,  
 D            E 
we learn to love and be as one 

A Oh Starlight A Don’t you cry we’re gonna make it right E Before tomorrow A Oh Starlight E Don’t you cry we’re going to find a place where we belong, where we belong D And so you know You’ll never shine alone
A There are shadows asleep on the horizon E That leaves us scared and so afraid A As the fall out of a world divided E It brings her tears and so much pain D And so we take cover from the dark A E D E Hoping to find where we can start
A Oh Starlight Don’t you cry we’re gonna make it right E Before tomorrow A Oh Starlight E Don’t you cry we’re going to find a place where we belong, where we belong D And so you know You’ll never shine alone A E D E Starlight we'll find the place where we belong, where we belong
BRIDGE G Bm A E You will see as the mountains fall and turn to dust G Bm A That there’s one thing that won’t change G Bm A E I believe there’s something within each of us that always stays D E That will always remain A A She is watching, heart aching with sorrow E D She is broken, as she waits
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