Sleeping At Last


Sleeping At Last

ukulele Easy easy


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Key:  G More
North Key DD
North Key D#D#
North Key EE
North Key FF(one step down)
North Key F#F#(half step down)
North Key GG(original key)
North Key G#G#(half step up)
North Key AA(one step up)
North Key A#A#
North Key BB
North Key CC
North Key C#C#
G C G 
Em G Em 
G C G 
Em G Em 

        G         C         G 
we will call this place our home,  
             C        G         Em 
the dirt in which our roots may grow. 
           G            Em      G 
though the storms will push and pull, 
        C         G         D 
we will call this place our home.  

               C       D        G 
we’ll tell our stories on these walls. 
        D   Bm          Em 
every year, measure how tall. 
         D      C       G 
and just like a work of art, 
                Em     C        G 
we’ll tell our stories on these walls.  

        C           G       Em       C 
let the years we’re here be kind, be kind. 
        G            Em          C          G 
let our hearts, like doors, open wide, open wide. 
           C          G         D          G 
settle our bones like wood over time, over time. 
        G               D            G 
give us bread, give us salt, give us wine. 

         C         G      Em 
a little broken, a little new. 
           G      D       C 
we are the impact and the glue. 
    D      G    Bm      Em 
capable of more than we know, 
              D     C   G 
we call this fixer upper home. 

          Em        C     G 
with each year, our color fades. 
        C          G    D 
slowly, our paint chips away. 
            C        D                G        D 
but we will find the strength and the nerve it takes 
   Em          D           C       G     Em 
to repaint and repaint and repaint every day.  

        C           G       Em       C 
let the years we’re here be kind, be kind. 
        G            C           G          Am 
let our hearts, like doors, open wide, open wide. 
            C         G         Em         D 
settle our bones like wood over time, over time. 
        G              C             G 
give us bread, give us salt, give us wine. 

        C           G       Em       C 
let the years we’re here be kind, be kind. 
        G            C           G          Am 
let our hearts, like doors, open wide, open wide. 
           C          G         Em         D 
settle our bones like wood over time, over time. 
        G              C             G 
give us bread, give us salt, give us wine. 
        G              Em            G 
give us bread, give us salt, give us wine. 

        G         C       G 
smaller than dust on this map 
         C        G        Em 
lies the greatest thing we have: 
            G         Em        G 
the dirt in which our roots may grow 
        C        G       Em 
and the right to call it home. 
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