Sleeping At Last


Sleeping At Last

ukulele Easy easy


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Written by Ryan Oneal

Intro: C

C                                   Am 
We were married by the ocean 
C                                    Am 
We were tethered by the sea 
F                                         G          Am 
We tied strings around our fingers 
F                             G 
To remember our ideals 

C                                      Am 
I'll be brave when you are frightened 
C                                        Am 
You'll be strong when I am weak in the knees 
F                                       G                               Am 
I'll be calm when you have had enough of these rushing waves 
F                                  G 
You'll be the oxygen I need 

F We'll take turns to untangle the knots Though our hands may be tied C It's all part of the plot G F Cat's cradle etiquette, we oblige C G As we learn to unlace for the rest of our lives C The rest of our lives
C Am You'll be balance when I waver C Am I'll be warmth when you are shivering cold F G Am You'll be patience when I've had enough of this waiting game F G I'll be the anchor cast below Chorus
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