
I have come to worship You


ukulele Beginner beginner


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I have come to worship You

Year: 1999 - Album: SonicFlood

	  		Bm                        C2  
Many mighty rivers have I crossed  
Bm                         C2  
Many barren deserts have I seen  
And still my heart beats strong  
For You, Oh Lord  
     D               D/F#  
For You have been my shelter  
I all of my need  

D G I have come to worship You D G Oh, and I have come to worship You
Bm C2 A willing soul and a thankful heart Bm C2 To find a holy passion just for You A And turn away from the things Em That break your heart D D/F# And live a life of sacrifice C Just for You {Chorus} A For only You are worthy Bm Only You are worthy F#m G Only You are worthy D Of the praise this heart brings {Chorus}
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