Soul Asylum

Promises Broken

Soul Asylum


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Promises Broken

Intro: E Abm F#m B 
 E                               A  
Street are filled with broken glass 
you get buried by the past, give me just 
           E                       B 
a little taste, lay this mess to waste, 
Take me home.  
 E                          A  
My mind is racing take me home, my body's 
aching so alone, I'll make you want to stay 
      E                      B              E 
with me befriended by the enemy, one more time 

E Abm Every little thing about you tells me nothing out F#m there is ever gonna help me all these words that B E I hear spoken - just promises broken now G Csus2 Looking outside from the window sill throw another G coin in the wishing well, you'll never find what Csus2 A D A your looking for, 15 miles your dim light shines D B E B from so far away, your sad smile, is all I see E when I say
REPEAT CHORUS--- E A From the hotel satellite don't look like you're livin' Am E right here's a deal you can't refuse, you ain't got as B E Abm much to lose ----Can you tell your troubles to someone F#m B E who won't laugh at you, It's alright. And as I watch Abm F#m B you walk away hope a part of you will stay, it's alright REPEAT CHORUS ONCE and you're through! In the breaks between verses, the little hammer is just A to B. On the A string: open then second fret The little run before "Looking outside from the window.." is just C-B-A-D _______________________________________________________ Contribuição: Marco Santos([email protected])
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