The Antlers


The Antlers

ukulele Easy easy


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Written by Darby Cicci, Michael Lerner, Peter Silberman


-Beat Syncopation + Intro- 
o     o     o     o     o           o      
1 & 2 & 3 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 1 & 2 & 3 * 
Em    D     C     Am7   G           B 

o     o     o     o     o             
1 & 2 & 3 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 1 & 2 & 3 * 
C     G/B   C     Am7   G 

       Em        D         C         Am7   G       B 
Well I hope that you can't hear what I am thinking 
                 C      G/B          C      Am7    G 
You know I can't always talk but I'm always listening 
      Em      D         C       Am7     G          B 
In an absence where you hate to feel uncared for 
                   C       G/B         C      Am7       G 
Pretending there's nothing that you're not prepared for 

            Em      D           C       Am7      G       B 
Who are you lapping when you're running from surrender' 
             C     G/B      C      Am7           G 
If life is a fatal race for all contenders 
            Em        D      C      Am7          G       B 
To find the peace within the combat where we're standing 
           C        G/B     C       Am7          G 
We have to make our history less commanding               

Em, D, C, Am7, G, B 
           C        G/B     C       Am7          G 
We have to make our history less commanding         x2 

Em, D, C, Am7, G, B 
C, G/B, C, Am7, G x4 

Em, D, G  
C, G/B, C, Am7, G x4 

          Em         D              G 
Well, our mercy is a boundary we'll surrender  
               C     G/B      C      Am7    G 
When love is a safer place we both remember 
        Em              D            G 
Like an old estate that stands in no location  
                  C      G/B     C   Am7    G 
At the edge of an age of endless renovation 
           Em            D                G          
And while all that noise competes for our attention 
                C     G/B          C     Am7     G 
We'll meet on a quiet field in our own dimension 
      Em            D              G 
We'll step inside a world far less demanding  
        C         G/B       C       Am7    G 
When we allow for something less commanding 

Em, D, G 
        C         G/B       C       Am7    G 
When we allow for something less commanding 
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