The Beatles

The Long And Winding Road

The Beatles

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The Long And Winding Road

Written by J. Lennon-P. McCartney

Capo on 1st fret


       Bm                 G/A 
   The long and winding road  
         D     D7        G 
   that leads to your door 
 G       F#m       Bm    
   Will never disappear 
 Em               A        D   D7 
   I've seen that road before  
 G       F#m        Bm   
   It always leads me here 
 Em         A       D   
   leads me to your door 
       Bm                 G/A 
   The wild and windy night 
         D     D7        G  
   that the rain washed away 
 G       F#m       Bm    
   Has left a pool of tears  
 Em               A        D   D7 
   crying for the day 
 G       F#m        Bm   
   Why leave me standing here? 
 Em         A       D   
   let me know the way 
   D                G               F#m             Em         
   Many times I've been alone  and Many times I've cried  
   D               G                F#m             Em 
   Anyway you'll never know the Many ways I've tried but 

       Bm                 G/A  
   Still they lead me back  
         D     D7        G 
   to the long and winding road  
 G       F#m       Bm     
   You left me standing here  
 Em               A        D   D7 
   a long, long time ago  
 G       F#m        Bm   
   Don't leave me waiting here,  
 Em         A       D   
   lead me to you door

D G F#m Em 2X 

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----6---------6---8---------8---10-----10--8------8--------|| -----------------------------------------------------------|| --------7-8------------8-10-------10-12------9-10----------|| -----------------------------------------------------------|| -----------------------------------------------------------|| -----------------------------------------------------------||X2
Bm G/A Still they lead me back D D7 G to the long and winding road G F#m Bm You left me standing here Em A D D7 a long, long time ago G F#m Bm Don't keep me waiting here, Em A D lead me to you door G/A D
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