The Dollyrots

Can't Tell You Why

The Dollyrots

ukulele Advanced advanced


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Can't Tell You Why

D A Bm G 
D A Bm G F#m 

Verse 1:

D A/C# She stays up in the moonlight G Painting boxes where she D stores her thoughts A sinking A/C# G feeling always hovering D Like a tiny cloud A A/C# G disappointment never good enough Couldn't pass her D A/C# driving test Cause she slept G through Her alarm clock
Bm D Gotta cross your fingers twice Em Skip across the sidewalk cracks G Lucky a penny inside your pocket
D Just looking so sad in photos A Like something inside is broken Bm G F#m But I can't tell you why D Gonna slap on a plastic smile A Have another sad tomorrow Bm G F#m And I can't tell you why D A/C# G Cause I don't know

Verse 2:

D A/C# He runs and runs for miles G Cause he's running running D from himself So picture A/C# G perfect he's a busy busy bee One flower to the next D A/C# G A disappointment never be D enough Broken foot got the A/C# worst luck Now he's got G Nowhere to run


Bm D Gotta cross your fingers twice Em Skip across the sidewalk cracks G Lucky a penny inside your pocket
D Just looking so sad in photos A Like something inside is broken Bm G F#m But I can't tell you why D Gonna slap on a plastic smile A Have another sad tomorrow Bm G F#m And I can't tell you why Cause I don't know Guitar Solo D A Bm G F#m


D A Somewhere F#m Bm C C# Under that rainbow D A Somewhere F#m Bm C C# Over the stars D A Call me F#m Bm C C# Call me whenever E G A Day or night
D Just looking so sad in photos A Like something inside is broken Bm G F#m But I can't tell you why D Gonna slap on a plastic smile A Have another sad tomorrow Bm G F#m And I can't tell you why Cause I don't know
D Yeah I know I'm looking tired A Gonna send that call to voicemail Bm G F#m And I can't tell you why D I'll hold out hope cause why not A Four leaf clover in my pocket Bm G F#m Gonna Be Alright
D But I don't know A Oh I don't know Bm But I don't know G Gonna Be Alright But I don't know A Oh I don't know Bm But I don't know G F#m Gonna Be Alright But I don't know Outro D A Bm G F#m Gonna Be Alright
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