The Dollyrots

Irish Goodbye

The Dollyrots

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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Irish Goodbye


C Em F Dm 

Verse 1:

C Em She showed up way past one Am And we're having a ball F G But I wish she was leaving C Em She showed up so intense Am That I'm unimpressed F G And I wish she was sleeping C Em Am Amore amore Amore is F G a word that I savor C Em Am Amore amore Amore and F G I'm thinking this loudly
C Em I gotta be heading out Am Cause I've had enough F G Yeah I got too high C Em Kiss them for me my love Am Cause I've had enough F G For an Irish Goodbye C Em F Oh oh Oh oh Oh oh G C For an Irish Goodbye

Verse 2:

C Em Am We jumped a fence so no offense F G Because I fell through the ceiling C Em No sense in chasing friends Am Through neighbors yards F G They're gonna be streaking C Em Am Ignore ignore Ignore when F G I'm backing up slowly C Em Am Ignore ignore Ignore like F G alarms in the morning
C Em I gotta be heading out Am Cause I've had enough F G Yeah I got too high C Em Kiss them for me my love Am Cause I've had enough F G For an Irish Goodbye C Em F Oh oh Oh oh Oh oh G For an Irish Goodbye C Em F G Oh oh Oh oh Oh oh Bridge Punk Rock Drums C Getting along Then Bb you're killing our buzz F Not sorry for G getting so crazy C Is it so wrong Bb To make such a mess F G Making the memories hazy C Bb Hazy F G Crazy Crazy

Verse 3:

C Em She showed up way past one F We were having a ball Dm Now I wish she was leaving C Em She's always so intense Am Yeah I'm unimpressed Bb B And I wish she was sleeping
C Em I gotta be heading out Am Cause I've had enough F G Yeah I got too high C Em Kiss them for me my love Am Cause I've had enough F G For an Irish Goodbye C Em F Oh oh Oh oh Oh oh G For an Irish Goodbye C Em F Oh oh Oh oh Oh oh G I got too high Outro C Bb Ab G I got too high F G Ab Bb C Got an Irish Goodbye
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