The Happy Fits

Around And Around

The Happy Fits

ukulele Easy easy


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Around And Around


Verse 1:

D G I got a funny feeling D C G We keep going around and around, and I D G Think I'm gonna be needing D A G A little stabler ground to hold on


D Am7 'Cause I can't keep thinking about it G Keep thinking about it D Can't be still anymore D Am7 No, there's nothing so simple about it G Nothing simple about it Can't be still anymore I can't be still anymore D I can't be still anymore
A I'll go 'round and around G D Go 'round and around with you A No, don't slow me down G D No, don't slow me down, will you? C G Bb D And I could see the world with you C G Bb D And I could see the world with you

Verse 2:

D G I don't know what I'm seeing D C G D When the world keeps spinning around my eyes G I think, I lost my meaning D A G Just another day to survive


D Am7 'Cause I can't keep thinking about it G Keep thinking about it D Can't be still anymore D Am7 No, there's nothing so simple about it G Nothing simple about it Can't be still anymore I can't be still anymore D I can't be still anymore
A I'll go 'round and around G D Go 'round and around with you A No, don't slow me down G D No, don't slow me down, will you? C G Bb D And I could see the world with you C G Bb D And I could see the world with you
Ending: D C G D D C G D
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