The Happy Fits

Reason For Dreaming

The Happy Fits

ukulele Easy easy


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Reason For Dreaming

Written by Calvin Langman / Luke Gray Davis / Ross Monteith

	  		Intro G 

Verse 1:

G C We don't even need a reason for dreaming G C You and I can act it out G Love when I'm with you C Just loses all it's meaning Em D C There's nothing else than what is now G Sure we gonna go where C No one will know what G C What we do is all about G Cuz they just don't see C That we got something special Em D G Though they won't say that out loud
C G So if you want to say we're something C G If we're too plain to be unique C B Em Then I swear to God that no one is you C D And nobody else here is me

Verse 2:

G C We don't even need a reason for dreaming G C You and I can act it out G Love when I'm with you C Just loses all it's meaning Em D C There's nothing else than what is now G Sure we gonna go where C No one will know what G C What we do is all about G Cuz they just don't see C That we got something special Em D G Though they won't say that out loud
C G So if you want to say we're something C G If we're too plain to be unique C B Em Then I swear to God that no one is you C D And nobody else here is me C G And if you want a different story C G With blazen bombs and silver seas C B Em Then I pray to God that no one is you C D And nobody else here is me
Solo Final G C G C G C Em D C G C G C G C Em D C
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