The Milk Carton Kids


The Milk Carton Kids

ukulele Advanced advanced


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C   G   Am   G   Fmaj7/C   G 
Fmaj7/C  C  Am  G  Fmaj7/C  C 

Verse 1:
Fmaj7/C                          C 
I think i'm going to work construction  
             G              Am 
Just to make something of myself  
        Fmaj7/C                  C              G 
I can't live off these childhood trophies on my shelf  
  Fmaj7/C              C  
I want to get my hands dirty  
                 G             Am 
I want to feel a burning in my legs  
       Fmaj7/C           C              G 
I want more than the receipt for what i paid  

Am G Because everybody loves something new Fmaj7/C C 'cause you can open it and plug it in Am G And it feels like a good night's sleep Fmaj7/C C Like the girl you like paid you a compliment G Am G Fmaj7/C They can keep the change and they can keep 'em coming they can talk to G who's listening C G Am G Fmaj7/C C I'm still looking for something a little more permanent
Verse 2: Fmaj7/C C I am not a poet G Am Show me the easy way and i'll do it Fmaj7/C C G No one could ever say that i've been trying way too hard Fmaj7/C C Everything that i have ever owned G Am G Got dusty and old Fmaj7/C C G So i threw it out just to make myself some room
Am G I'm like everybody i love something new Fmaj7/C C 'cause you can open it and plug it in Am G And it feels like a good night's sleep Fmaj7/C C Like the girl you like paid you a compliment G Am G Fmaj7/C They can keep the change and they can keep 'em coming they can talk to G who's listening C G Am G Fmaj7/C C I'm still looking for something that I can die with
Verse 3: Fmaj7/C C If my luck is running out G Am Please don't let it be so with love G Fmaj7/C C G It's been a long year but i'm not ready to give up Fmaj7/C C Even if I lay ten million bricks G Am And they break through the summer haze G Fmaj7/C C G Someone will come around and bulldoze them down some day Ohhhhh
Am G Because everybody loves something new Fmaj7/C C You get rid of what came before Am G And it feels like a long hot shower Fmaj7/C C Like getting in your bed when the sheets are warm G Am G Fmaj7/C So they can keep construction and they can keep em coming and I wont be G listening C G Am G Fmaj7/C G Cause I found something a little more permanent C G Am G Fmaj7/C C Oh yes, I found someone that I can die with
C G Am G Fmaj7/C C
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