The Ohio Express

Chewy Chewy

The Ohio Express



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Chewy Chewy

Written by Joey Levine/Kris Resnick

	  		Chewy Chewy:Ohio Express. 
#2 in Canada, #6 in Australia and #15 in USA. 

C                           F 
Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy..Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Baby, 
G7                            C 
always got a mouthful of such sweet things to say. 
C                           F 
Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy..Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Baby, 
G7                          F             C 
Chewy's full of sugar and I love her that way. 

C                                 G7 
Oooo, I love to kiss her, love to hold her, 
love to miss her, love to scold her, 
        G7               C 
love to love her, like I do. 
C                            G7 
Oh, little Chewy, don't know what  

you're doing to me, 
           F           G7              C 
but you're doing to me what I want you to.  
Ahhhh, Chewy. 

C                           F 
Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy..Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Baby, 
G7                           C 
everytime you love me it's a real sugar treat. 
C                           F 
Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy..Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Baby, 
G7                             F        C 
love me little Chewy cause you do it so sweet. 

C                                 G7 
Oooo, I love to kiss her, love to hold her, 
love to miss her, love to scold her, 
        G7               C 
love to love her, like I do. 
C                            G7 
Oh, little Chewy, don't know what  

you're doing to me, 
           F           G7              C 
but you're doing to me what I want you to.  
Ahhhh, Chewy. 

#3. (Key change.) 
C#                          F# 
Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy..Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Baby, 
Ab7                           C# 
Babe's a living box of candy, wrapped up so very fine. 
C#                          F# 
Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy..Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Baby, 
Ab7                        F#        C# 
do it to me Chewy, chew me out of my mind. 

C#                                Ab7 
Oooo, I love to kiss her, love to hold her, 
love to miss her, love to scold her, 
             Ab7         C# 
love to love her, like I do. 
C#                           Ab7 
Oh, little Chewy, don't know what  

you're doing to me, 
           F#          Ab7             C# 
but you're doing to me what I want you to.  
Ahhhh, Chewy. 

C#               F#            Ab7 
Ah, Chewy, whoa, Chewy...whoa, whoa.. 
      C#    C#          F# 
whoa, whoa..whoa, whoa..whoa(fade.) 

A sixties smash from Kraziekhat. 
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