The Searchers

When You Walk In The Room

The Searchers

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When You Walk In The Room

Written by Jackie DeShannon

Intro: A E D A/E (2x)   

I can see a new expression on my face  
                                      E  Esus4 E  
I can feel a strange sensation taking place  
      D                E               A   F#m  
I can hear the guitars playing, lovely tunes  
D   A/C#     E                A  
Everytime that you, walk in the room  

A E D A/E (2x)  

I close my eyes for a second and pretend it's me you want  
                                E Esus4 E  
Meanwhile I try to act so nonchalant  
        D      E            A     F#m      
I see a summer night with a magic moon  
D    A/C#      E                A  
Everytime that you, walk in the room  

A E D A/E (2x)  

D     A/C#   E  
Maybe it's a dream come true  
D       A/C#       E  
Standing right alongside of you  
A                         F#m  
Wish I could show you how much I care,  
    B7                       E  
But I only have the nerve to stare  

I can feel that something pounding in my brain  
                                 E Esus4 E  
Just anytime someone speaks your name  
D                    E             A    F#m  
Trumpets sound and I hear, thunder boom  
D    A/C#       E  
Everytime that you 2x  

D    A/C#       E                A  
Everytime that you, walk in the room  

A E D A/E (2x)  

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