The Snuts


The Snuts

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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Written by Jack Cochrane/Clarence Coffee, Jr./Dan Ewins/Nathaniel Ledwidge/Jordan Mackay/Joe McGillveray/Caroline Sans/Callum Wilson

A6   E  C#m  G#m A A 
A6   E  C#m  G#m A A 

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Intro A6 E C#m G#m A A e|--5-5-5--4-4-4--4-4-4--4-4-4--5--5--| B|--7-7-7--5-5-4--5-5-5--4-4-4--5--5--| G|--6-6-6--4-4-4--6-6-6--4-4-4--6--6--| D|--7-7-7--6-6-6--6-6-6--6-6-6--7--7--| A|------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------|

Verse 1:

E F#m7 It’s been a long time since you were all mine, C#m7 Are you up babe? E It’s been a long road, F#m7 Since you found god, C#m7 Was he up there? Was he, fuck yeah.
E F#m7 Took you a minute, you’ve been punching the light, C#m7 It’s been a hard days night, A6 E C#m G#m A It’s kind of like when you fight your way out, show me your knuckles babe. A6 E C#m G#m A A Kind of like when you fight your way out, show me your knuckles baby, A6 E C#m G#m A A Kind of like when you fight your way out, show me your knuckles baby.

Verse 2:

E F#m7 C#m7 It’s like the sun was fear and the moon was god, E Tell me something I don’t know, F#m7 C#m7 C#m7 Put em’ up lets go.
E F#m7 Took you a minute, you’ve been punching the light, C#m7 It’s been a hard days night, A6 E C#m G#m A Aaah, it’s kind of like when you fight your way out, show me your knuckles babe. A6 E C#m G#m A A Aaah, kind of like when you fight your way out, show me your knuckles baby, A6 E C#m7 Woo, hey, took you a minute, you’ve been punching the light, G#m A It’s been a hard days night, A6 E C#m G#m A It’s kind of like when you fight your way out, show me your knuckles babe, A Show me your knuckles babe.
Outro A6 E C#m G#m A A Show me your knuckles babe, A6 E C#m G#m A A N.C. It’s kind of like when you fight your way out, show me your knuckles baby, N.C. Aaah, A6 E C#m G#m A It’s kind of like when you fight your way out, show me your knuckles babe, A6 E C#m G#m A A Aaah, kind of like when you fight your way out, show me your knuckles baby, E F#m7 Oohwa, took you a minute, you’ve been punching the light, G#m A It’s been a hard days night, A6 E C#m G#m A It’s kind of like when you fight your way out, show me your knuckles babe, A Show me your knuckles babe.
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