Tim Halperin

Heal This Broken Heart

Tim Halperin

ukulele Advanced advanced


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Heal This Broken Heart

Written by Tim Halperin


Intro: G#m      B/D#      E       B   F#/A# (x2) 

G#m                            B/D#                           E                          B    F#/A# 

Love came down on a mountainside like a flood that hit my soul 

G#m               B/D#                              E                             B   F#/A# 

I saw the dawn after an endless night and this love it made me whole 

F#                                      E 

Oh, sweet mercy came to me 

F#                                            E   B/D#   C#m 

Oh, sweet mercy helped me see 


B C#m B/D# E F# Oh my God you heal this broken heart G#m B/D# E B F#/A# And I give up my foolish pride, it tore my world apart F# E B/D# C#m Grace has come, and it's what You're done
(Intro progression) That makes me love You verse 2 I've been filled with a peace divine, All my longings just stood still It took peace to cross this great divide That led me to Your will Oh, sweet mercy came to me Oh, sweet mercy helped me see Chorus Bridge: G#m B/D# I could stand in the fire, hope I don't burn in my own desires E B F#/A# But grace I've found is calling out my name G#m B/D# I could walk on a wire, wonder if they?d find out I'm a liar E B F#/A# But I've found truth, and I won?t be the same Chorus OUTRO: same as intro progression
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