


ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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Key:  Gm More
Freedom Key DmDm
Freedom Key D#mD#m
Freedom Key EmEm
Freedom Key FmFm(one step down)
Freedom Key F#mF#m(half step down)
Freedom Key GmGm(original key)
Freedom Key G#mG#m(half step up)
Freedom Key AmAm(one step up)
Freedom Key A#mA#m
Freedom Key BmBm
Freedom Key CmCm
Freedom Key C#mC#m
         Gm7                          Fsus 
I cry freedom from the chains that bind your children Lord 
Eb2                            Eb/C 
Freedom from the chains that bind our praise to you 

Gm7                           Fsus   Eb2          

Freedom from the lies of the enemy   freedom we cry 

Bb   F           Gm7  Eb       Bb   F           Gm7  Eb 
Freedom          Freedom       Freedom          Freedom     

Bb        F              Gm7           Eb             Bb- F- Gm7 Eb 
I wann praise a little longer than before 
Bb        F              Gm7           Eb             Bb- F- Gm7 Eb 
I wanna lift my hands higher than before 
Bb        F              Gm7           Eb             Bb- F- Gm7 Eb 
I wanna shout a little louder than before 
Bb        F              Gm7           Eb             Bb- F- Gm7 Eb 
I wanna shout a little louder than before 

Bb        F              Gm7           Eb             Bb- F- Gm7 Eb 
I wanna worship a little deeper than before 
Bb        F              Gm7           Eb             Bb- F- Gm7 Eb 
I wanna love you more than before 
Bb        F              Gm7           Eb             Bb- F- Gm7 Eb 
I wanna dance more freely than before 
Bb        F              Gm7           Eb             Bb- F- Gm7 Eb 
I wanna dance more freely than before 

Fsus        Eb                 Bb- F- Gm7 Eb      
I want your love so near me 
Fsus        Eb                 Bb- F- Gm7 Eb      
I want peace everlasting 
Fsus        Eb                 Bb- F- Gm7 Eb      
I want joy to flood my soul 
Fsus        Eb                 Bb- F- Gm7 Eb      
Flood my soul 
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