Vance Joy

Play With Fire

Vance Joy

ukulele Easy easy


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Play With Fire

Written by James Keogh

no capo 

I'm not certain but I think the chords are right 

Basic chord progression through the whole song : 

G C F   X2 

G    C                 F                         G 
  I'm done, I'm done, I don't care how you feel 
    C                  F                   G 
  I'm done, I'm done for now 
         C               F                        G 
  And I see, I see with every glance that I steal 
    C                  F 
  I'm done, I'm done for now 

                  G            C      F 
  You say you're used to playin with fire 
                  G           C       F 
  You say you're heart is on your sleeve 
                  G       C     F 
  You say you're sometimes sentimental 
                  G           C      F 
  Well that aint showin through to me 

G       C               F                    G 
  And I see, I see that I could do no wrong 
  C               F               G 
  In my old mans eyes 
        C                   F                  G 
  And I swear, I swear that I would try it on 
   C               F              G 
  Before the day I die 

                  G            C      F 
  You say you're used to playin with fire 
                  G           C       F 
  You say you're heart is on your sleeve 
                  G       C     F 
  You say you're sometimes sentimental 
                  G           C      F 
  Well that aint showin through to me 

G  C             F 
   And I guess I knew it 
G  C         F 
   This whole time 
G  C             F 
   But these old feelings 
G  C             F 
   They make me blind 

                  G            C      F 
  You say you're used to playin with fire 
                  G           C       F 
  You say you're heart is on your sleeve 
                  G       C     F 
  You say you're sometimes sentimental 
                  G           C      F 
  Well that aint showin through to me 

                  G            C      F 
  You say you're used to playin with fire 
                  G           C       F 
  You say you're heart is on your sleeve 
                  G       C     F 
  You say you're sometimes sentimental 
                  G           C      F 
  Well that aint showin through to me 
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