Volcano Choir


Volcano Choir

ukulele Easy easy


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verse 1 

A                    D          A 
The last time that I saw you 
You had me housed up on your red, red road 
                A              D       A 
Stranded in the housing of our move in house in  
We were going to hit every port 
and every cape town 
                 F#m           D 
We were going to give a full report, of sorts 
        Bm                       D         A           F#m  A 
To your mother up in Cabo and in Newcourt 

G     D                                  A 
Damn, can't believe your father left his land 
The creed, to cry  

A D G Rely, rely, rely, rely, behave, behave, behave, behave A G D A D A Spent all of that time not wanting to
verse 2 A D We climbed up on your carpet A D There's a carpet in our minds, wherein A Shameless in humming D A Like a violin strumming F#m D We were going to hit every mark, in stark Bm D A But the sutra didn't suit you that long day in the park I'm talking about it D We're talking real love I want to read up A on that love BRIDGE G D G A G Damn, can't believe you left me on the land, to be seen, to be scribed D Tell you now that you:
A D G Rely, rely, rely, rely, behave, behave, behave, behave A G D Spend all of that time not wanting to A E A Bm D A Rely, rely, rely, rely, behave, behave, behave, behave E A Bm D A F#m D E Decide, decide, decide, decide, repave, repave, repave, repave A Bm A Bm A F#m Inside, inside, inside, inside, the lade, the lade, the lade, the lade E A Lover won't you talk to me about the long red war
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