Walk The Moon

Down In The Dumps

Walk The Moon

ukulele Easy easy


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Down In The Dumps

Em               Em       D     G        D 
I won't let you bring me back, bring me back 
   Em              Em       D     G        D 
No I won't let you bring me back, bring me back 
(Instruments enter) 
        C              D           G            Bm 
You can throw all the fits and the tantrums you want 
      C             D                    E         
But I won't let you bring, bring me back down. 

Em   G 

verse 1 
Way back in '95, scraped knees, tough love, ah yeah 
Grass stains were just a sign of the times 
Big kids, look at us now, too adult to say, "big whoop" 
Let any old bummer get under my hide 
C                       A 
But oooh I'm gonna take control... 

Em              G 
I won't let you bring me back, 
Bm                        D 
Bring me back down in the dumps 
Em              G 
I won't let you bring me back, 
Bm                        D 
Bring me back down in the dumps 

Em  G 

verse 2 
So I'll walk that tightrope wire 

But what am I really made of? yeah 
Scared of heights like I'm scared of falling in love 
C                      A 
But ooh I'm gonna take control... 

Em              G 
I won't let you bring me back, 
Bm                        D 
Bring me back down in the dumps 
Em              G 
I won't let you bring me back, 
Bm                        D 
Bring me back down in the dumps 
        C             D         G           Bm 
You can throw all the fits and tantrums you want 
      C             D                     E 
But I won't let you bring, bring me back down 

Em   G 

verse 3 
So think back to '95 

And reach arms length deep ah yeah 
Cause they'll try to pierce your childhood hide 
    C                   A  
But ooh I'm gonna take control... 

(Repeat 5x, build 1st time) 
Em              G 
I won't let you bring me back, 
Bm                        D 
Bring me back down in the dumps 
Em              G 
I won't let you bring me back, 
Bm                        D 
Bring me back down in the dumps 

        C             D         G           Bm 
You can throw all the fits and tantrums you want 
      C            D                     E 
But I won't let you bring, bring me back down 

        C             D        G    D/F#     Em 
You can throw all the fits and tan-trums you want 
      C            D                Esus4   E 
But I won't let you bring, bring me back 
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