Willie Nelson

My Own Peculiar Way

Willie Nelson

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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My Own Peculiar Way

Written by Willie Nelson


E B E 

                 E                                 B 
It would be a comfort just to know you'd never doubt me 
                                    E      E  F#  G# 
Even though I give you cause most every day 
             A                    E 
Sometimes I think that you'd be better off without me 
            E               B          E 
Although I love you in my own peculiar way 
            E                                  B 
Don't doubt my love if sometimes my mind should wonder 
                          E          E  F#  G# 
To a suddenly remembered yesterday 
                     A                           E 
Because my mind could never stay too long away from you 
                E           B       E      E  F#  G# 
I'll always love you in my own peculiar way 

A E And though I may not always be the way you'd have me be B And though my faults may grow in number day by day E A Let no one ever say that I've ever been untrue E B E I'll always love you in my own peculiar way
Solo E B E E A E E B E F# G# Outro A E And though I may not always be the way you'd have me be B And though my faults may grow in number day by day E A Let no one ever say that I've ever been untrue E B E E F# G# I'll always love you in my own peculiar way E B A E A I'll always love you in my own peculiar way
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