Willie Nelson

Someone to watch over me.

Willie Nelson

ukulele Expert expert


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Someone to watch over me.

Written by M: George Gershwin; L: Ira Gershwin

	  		(George and Ira Gershwin  © 1926) 

Verse 1 
A               A7                   D             dim3   A               dim1  E7              dim2  
There is somebody I'm longing to see.    I hope that she   turns out to be  
Bm                    Dm     E7   A          F#7    B7      E7  
Someone who'll watch over me.  
Verse 2 
A      A7                      D          dim 3   A           dim1  E7             dim2     
I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood.  I know I could always be good 
Bm                Dm            A       D       A       A7  
To one who'll watch over me.  
                       D                                                                          A  
Although she may not be the girl some men think of as pretty.  
      Ab7                                C#7   E7  
To my heart she carries the key.  
A               A7                       D                  dim3    A              dim1 E7         dim2  
Won't you tell her please to put on some speed, follow my lead? Oh how I need  
D                  Dm     E7   A         D       A  
Someone to watch over me.  

Instrumental:  Verse 1 and 2 

Repeat bridge. 

Repeat last verse. 

D                    Dm   E7  A  
Someone to watch over me. 

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